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The colours of 4 colour sprites are generally different from the colours
of the screen. I have never known why this is. I would like to make a
colour in one of my sprites glow with a flash command but I don't know how
to program this.
When I put a bob up on the screen and then I put another bob behind it I
cannot see the bob behind the first even if the first bob is mostly colour
zero. You see, I would like colour zero in the first bob to be transparent
so I could see the second bob beyond the image of the first. As it stands
quare blocks out everything behind the square. "set mask" does not seem to
address this problem.
Does anyone know how to listen to a 600k sample with the .wav suffix?
I checked out Michele's "fantasy" game in the "game/shoot" section of
aminet, but I don't understand why I'm supposed to shoot at these
homeless people on the streets of a colourful city. And who is that
sinister person in the chartreuse hood that strolls across the screen
and why does it take four shots to kill him? Aside from these disturbing questions it is a colourful and unique game that I cannot fathom. Grazie, Signor!
And while I'm at it whoever posted to the amos-list that we should check
out the "Bambi meets Godzilla" animation on aminet should have mentioned
that it is a monstrous (700k) file and will not run on a 3.5 meg 1 Chip
RAM machine and in fact it appears to have little to do with amos.